
The model processes a wide range of resulting data to make it usable for surface hydrology and design protection measures and can be divided into two basic groups: - continuously stored results at user-defined points - overall results, usually in raster format. The results can also be divided into three groups - basic results, which are available to regular users and contain only important overall results, - detailed results, which describe information not essential for most applied results (for example, the distribution of modeled quantity in furrows and surface runoff, etc.), - temporary files, which contain intermediate results during the processing of input data and serve to detect potential errors in the input data.

Basic outputs

Raster data

Among the basic results are the maximum or cumulative values of selected quantities: - cumulative infiltration (cinfil_m3.asc) – the total amount of infiltrated water, - cumulative precipitation (crain_m3.asc) – the total amount of precipitation, - cumulative surface runoff (cvsur_m3.asc) – the total amount of runoff, - maximum surface flow (mqsur_m3_s.asc) – maximum flow at a given point,

Vector, point and table data

  • stream-aoi - is a cliped vector of streams by computing area.
  • cumulative ruonff a maximal discharge in the ends of streams elements are stored in streams.csv file (in case stream flow are calculated).
  • ** points_aoi** - cliped points of hydrograph by computing area.
  • folder ./control_point - time series of outpust at thos clipped points. The listed quantities at points depend on the type of runoff process. If the point is in the cell of a hydrographic network segment, the values of this entire segment relevant to the runoff process in the watercourse are listed. If the point is in the watershed area, the model gives the values of surface (areal and furrow) runoff for the respective cell.

Hydrograph data

./control_point - stored for each point in computation domain time series of basic data

Tab: Surface runoff hydrograph variable description

Column name Units Description
time[s] s Time from the beginning of simulation
rainfall[m] m Rainfall depth in the current time step
*totalWaterLevel[m]* m Total water level
surfaceFlow[m3/s] m^3s{-1} Total flow (sheet + rill)
cumSurfaceVolRunoff[m3] m Cumulative runoff volume (sheet + rill)

The water level for rill runoff is not the actual water level in the channel, but rather the critical height of the water level related to the entire computational cell area

Tab: Stream hydrograph variable description

Column name Unit Description
time[s] s Time from the beginning of simulation
deltaTime[s] s Current time step length
rainfall[m] m Rainfall depth in the current time step
reachWaterLevel[m] m Level of sheet flow
reachFlow[m3/s] m^3s^{-1} Sheet flow rate
cumReachVolRunoff[m3] m^3 Cumulative runoff volume in stream network reach

Advanced outputs

Advanced outputs are stored in two specific folders: - ./Control stored control results of subprocesses and subrutines

table with descrtiption will be hire?

  • ./temp folder - stored mostly data from datapreparation (depends on GIS provider)

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