Installation and Usage

SMODERP has been adapted to work seamlessly with various Geographic Information System (GIS) platforms. Instalation for QGIS (, GRASS GIS (, and ArcGIS Pro ( is decribed below.

QGIS Plugin

In QGIS, the plugin repository is a central storage location where users can access and manage plugins that extend the functionality of the QGIS application. SMODERP2D may be acessed from this repository.

Installation instructions

Install QGIS SMODERP2D plugin

  • Install SMODERP2D plugin from QGIS plugin repository

Install QGIS SMODERP2D plugin

Open the plugin from the menu PluginsSMODERP2D or from the toolbar .


The plugin consists of four tabs:

  • Spatial data for defining input spatial GIS layers

  • Model parameters for defining input parameters

  • Computation options for defining various options including target directory where computation results will be stored

  • Advanced for defining advanced options

  • History runs are stored in History tab

Known issues

Only for QGIS 3.34.9/3.38.1 or lower: On MS Windows QGIS plugin may suffer by poping-up windows when starting computation. It is caused by a bug in GRASS 8.3. This issue can be solved by copying file available from GitHub repository to a GRASS target directory which is typically located in:

  • C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.**.*\apps\grass\grass83\etc\python\grass\script in the case that QGIS has been installed by standalone installer, or
  • C:\OSGeo4W\apps\grass\grass83\etc\python\grass\script in the case that QGIS has been installed by OSGeo4W network installer.


Installation instructions


GRASS Addon is organized into several tabs similar to the QGIS plugin:

  • Spatial data

  • Model parameters

  • Computation options

  • Advanced

Compared to the QGIS plugin, the GRASS addon has a few more tabs:

  • Optional for GRASS-related global options

  • Command output for messages printed by running command

  • Manual for GRASS Addon documentation

ArcGIS Pro Toolbox

In the ArcGIS environment are a toolboxes a collection of geoprocessing tools. SMODERP are developed as extend tolbox of the ArcGIS software.

Installation instructions


Screen of ArGIS Pro - SMODERP Toolbox

Computation options and Advanced menu

History runs are stored in History of ArcGIS Pro project.

Batch processing

First, download SMODERP2D from GitHub repository

Batch processing may be run as a single process or multiple processes defined by a CSV file.

To run batch process GRASS GIS is required.

Installation Note

Note that on MS Windows GRASS GIS is part of the QGIS installation. In this case there is no need to install GRASS GIS separately.

You only need to adjust the installation path in tests/batch/init_windows_env.bat file based on how QGIS is installed.

  • If QGIS is installed using QGIS standalone installator, set INSTALL_DIR where QGIS is installed, e.g.:

    set INSTALL_DIR=C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.36.2\

  • If QGIS is installed using OSGeo4W network installator, set INSTALL_DIR where OSGeo4W is installed, e.g.:

    set INSTALL_DIR=C:\OSGeo4W

You may also need to adjust GRASS version (in example below GRASS 8.3 is expected to be installed):


Single process

Open batch_process_single.bat (or on GNU/Linux) located in tests/batch directory and adjust input parameters. Then run the script.

Multiple processes

Multiple processes may be defined by a CSV file, for example see tests/batch/batch_process.csv file.


If the content of the first cell starts with #, the process is skipped.

Adjust parameters in your CSV file and run batch_process_csv.bat (or on GNU/Linux) located in tests/batch directory.


Processes may be run in parallel. Number of workers is defined in the script:

 --workers 1

Note that for parallel processing (ie. number of workers > 1) Joblib Python package is required. The package may be installed on Windows by install_joblib_windows.bat located in tests/batch.

WARNING: parallel processing is experimental and may have various problems.